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标题:CSC 急招ETL、BI工程师 (上海张江 )
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注 册:2015-8-27
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CSC 急招ETL、BI工程师 (上海张江 )
Primary Job Responsibilities:
 Design and develop highly scalable ETL processes using Teradata, Hadoop Map Reduce/Hive/Pig for customer data mart.
 Actively participate in requirement review and design discussions with product owners and business analysts.
 Perform data analysis to identify various data sources.
 Maintain technical documentation.
 Contribute to data model design.
 Perform appropriate levels of unit, integration and performance testing

Job Requirements:
 3+ years in Data warehousing industry or Database Management field
 Expert knowledge in Data warehousing concepts (Dimensional Modeling, Aggregate, lookup & fact table creation criteria’s)
 Strong SQL Query writing skills (Teradata, Oracle) & Query/performance Tuning capability
 Exposure / Knowledge on Big data Environment (Hadoop etc)
 Data Quality and Profiling exposure is desirable
 Exposure to Agile framework
 Industry experience in eCommerce
 Knowledge in reporting tool (Micro strategy, Tableau)
 Good communication skills
 Good analytical & logical thinking

搜索更多相关主题的帖子: develop identify customer business technical 
2015-08-27 13:24
快速回复:CSC 急招ETL、BI工程师 (上海张江 )

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