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标题:why get a deferent result between clicking a hyperlink and inputting t ...
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注 册:2007-1-26
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why get a deferent result between clicking a hyperlink and inputting the url

Hi, there.
I saw a very strange website. In one of the page, for example, named as a.asp, when i click one of the hyperlinks ( like <a href="http://somewebsite.com/b.asp"> click here </a>) in this page , the response page b.asp show something like "correct way ....", other wise, when i copy the hyperlink URL(http://somewebsite.com/b.asp) and paste it to the current IE window address(note: now im in a.asp page) and push return .... the response from b.asp changed, it show something like "wrong way...".
I read the client source code of a.asp, there are no any java script nor included files nor forms, and in the IE window, no frames. the hyperlink is just a common hyperlink.
How can it beeeeeeee?

Any body can give me any answer?

搜索更多相关主题的帖子: get hyperlink result why clicking 
2007-01-26 11:55
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