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注 册:2007-1-15
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(1) using array or link structure to implement the polynomial’s ADD operation.
State clearly the implementation and its time complexity.
(2) Stack can be used to convert infix expression to postfix expression. You are required to finish following:
a. Implement a stack and its PUSH / POP operations; state clearly its implementation.
b. Operation of converting infix to postfix, state its time complexity.
c. calculate the value of the postfix expression with your implementation, state its time complexity.
(1) Prove that for any nonempty binary tree, n0 = n2 + 1 where n0 is the number of leaf nodes and n2 the number of nodes of degree 2.
(2) Using linked representation following to create a binary tree. The program you implemented should accept the data to ‘data’ field from input.
typedef struct node *tree_ptr;
typedef struct node
int data;
tree_ptr left_child,right_child;
Implement the program of inorder traversal, preorder traversal and postorder traversal. And analyze their time complexity.
(3) Consider a message comprised only of the following symbols: {C, A, T, P}, assume message is: CCT PAT TTP CTP CPA, use the Huffman algorithm to encode the symbols by frequency.
Implement the program to create this tree[
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: expression complexity following operation 
2007-01-15 19:27

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